Tuesday, August 24

31. Grapefruit

Grapefruit contains Vitamin C, fiber, potassium, lycopene and folate.

Grapefruit contains numerous nutrients that contribute to keeping the cardiovascular system healthy. Its rich source of vitamin C protects the arteries, pectin fibre and quercetin lowers blood cholesterol, potassium lowers high blood pressure, and folate keeps homocysteine levels healthy.  Grapefruit is one of the best sources of D-glucaric acid, a cholesterol lowering and cancer-fighting compound.

Grapefruit also contains lycopene, which helps to lower cholesterol. Grapefruit provides vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system and ward off the common cold and flu. The main flavonoid in grapefruit is naringenin, a potent cancer fighter. In addition, grapefruit contains cancer-crushing limonene, limonin and nomilin, tumor-fighting lycopene, and cancer-fighting ferulic acid. 
Lakewood Organic PURE Pink Grapefruit Juice, 32-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 6)
Half a grapefruit or a glass of 100% grapefruit juice is a healthy addition to breakfast. 

Grapefruit may help to prevent cancer, cold and flu, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Monday, August 2

30. Cantaloupe melon

Cantaloupe melon contains vitamin B, C, beta-carotene, potassium and folate.

It help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels mainly due to their beta-carotene, folate, vitamin C and potassium content. Of all the melons, cantaloupe is the most nutritious, largely because it supplies a high amount of vitamin C and beta-carotene. The combination of vitamin C and beta-carotene supports a strong immune system fit to fight disease. Cantaloupe’s phytochemical team of rutin and glutathione helps to lower the risk of developing cancer and heart disease, as well as fight the signs of aging.

Cantaloupe melon may help to prevent cancer, heart disease and high blood pressure.

29. Blackberry

Black berry has sweet juice that full of vitamin C.

Black berry has vitamin C, manganese, vitamin E, folic acid and potassium.

one cup or handful of blackberries supplies 8 grams of fibre, including cholesterol-lowering pectin. The fibre-rich seeds contain high levels of ellagic acid, a potent antioxidant that battles cancer in many different ways. Blackberries with their high fibre content reduce the risk of developing diabetes and intestinal disease such as diverticulosis, as well as fight against obesity. Blackberries gives protect against all disease.

Select fresh or frozen blackberries. Blackberries can also be enjoyed in fruit or green salads, on your favourite cereal, blended into smoothies or baked in muffins and loaves.

Black berries may help to prevent cancer, diabetes, heart disease, intestinal diseases and obesity