Sunday, March 11

Gotukola Kada / Gotukola porridge

Scientific name - Centella asiatica 

Names -  centellaAsiatic pennywort or Gotu kola

There are lot of Vitamin A, G, K and Mg in Gotu kola.

This is a kind of green leave. It has good taste and lot of nutritious value. We can use whole plant for making Gotu kola kada (herbal gruel make from gotu kola). It is a good medicine for many illnesses.

It is a kind of porridge that is very good for the brain, which develops the intellect and gives strength to the body.

Gotu kola porridge is suitable for developing the brain of young children.

Beneficial for diseases such as cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Purifies the blood and eliminates skin diseases and worms.

Grows hair and makes it shiny.

Eliminates visual impairments.

It also helps to increase the breast milk of lactating mothers.

Helps maintain a healthy circulatory system and keeps you active.