Wednesday, December 29

37. Rhubarb

Rhubarb has been used for medical purposes by the Chinese for thousands of years
Rhubarb contains Vitamin C, E, K, Calcium, Potassium, Protein, Folate, Fat, Water and Dietary fibre.

Rhubarb has ability to strong our bones. And it's nutritious can decrease the Cholesterol level in our body.

36. Raspberry

Raspberry contains Dietary fiber, Vitamin C, manganese, Vitamin B, folic acid, iron, magnesium and copper.

Raspberry is nutritious fruit and it has lot of  health benefits. Raspberry may help to prevent inflammation, pain, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, allergies, age-related cognitive decline, degeneration of eyesight with aging.

Saturday, October 2

35. Cherries

Cherries contain vitamin C, potassium, vitamin A, anthocyaninfibre and ellagic acid.

Cherries help to fight heart disease and may prevent arthritis and relieve its symptoms. As well, cherries contain a flavonoid called terpenoid that appears to fight cancer and combat tumors. Cherry anthocyanins have been shown to reduce pain and inflammation in rats. Anthocyanins are also potent antioxidantsunder active research for a variety of potential health benefits. 

Cherries may help to prevent arthritis, cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, inflammation and stroke

Cherries are delicious as is and add wonderful colour to fruit salads, baked goods and rich flavour to fruit salsas served over meat and poultry. 

Saturday, September 18

34. Fig

Fig contains vitamin B, beta-carotene, potassium, iron and fiber.

Figs may help to keep bones strong by contributing the bone-building minerals calcium, magnesium and phosphorous. The rich fibre, B vitamin and vitamin A content of figs provide a protective team against heart disease and cancer. 

Fibre-rich figs also protect against intestinal disease, such as colon cancer and irritable bowel syndrome. Figs also supply certain phytochemicals that show anti-bacterial properties.

Figs may help to prevent  cancer, heart disease, infection, intestinal disease and osteoporosis.

Figs can be eaten fresh or dried, and used in jam-making. 

33. Strawberry

Strawberry contains vitamin C, vitamin B, ellagic acid, folate and many more other nutrients.

strawberries contain phytochemicals that build a anti-aging shield around the brain, helping to protect against free radical damage and preserving brain function. 

strawberries also contain ellagic acid, which has been shown to prevent cancer, especially esophageal and colon cancers. Ellagic acid prevents tumor growth and helps to kill off cancer cells. 

Strawberries also supply heart healthy folate and blood pressure lowering potassium. The rich fibre content of strawberries makes them a healthy choice to lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, reduce cancer risk and achieve a healthy body weight.
Strawberry may help to prevent cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and infection

You can eat strawberries fresh. And also strawberries can be  frozen, made into preserves, as well as dried and used in such things as cereal bars. Strawberries are a popular addition to dairy products, as in strawberry-flavored ice cream, milkshakes, smoothies, and yogurts.

Thursday, September 9

32. Apple

‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ 

Apple contains Vitamin C and A, Flavonoids, Pectin, more water.

Pectin helps to lower cholesterol and control and manage blood sugars. The skin of an apple helps to reduce the risk of intestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome and diverticulosis. 

And also apple can kills viruses and enhances the fighting capabilities of other anti-viral compounds in the body.

Tuesday, August 24

31. Grapefruit

Grapefruit contains Vitamin C, fiber, potassium, lycopene and folate.

Grapefruit contains numerous nutrients that contribute to keeping the cardiovascular system healthy. Its rich source of vitamin C protects the arteries, pectin fibre and quercetin lowers blood cholesterol, potassium lowers high blood pressure, and folate keeps homocysteine levels healthy.  Grapefruit is one of the best sources of D-glucaric acid, a cholesterol lowering and cancer-fighting compound.

Grapefruit also contains lycopene, which helps to lower cholesterol. Grapefruit provides vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system and ward off the common cold and flu. The main flavonoid in grapefruit is naringenin, a potent cancer fighter. In addition, grapefruit contains cancer-crushing limonene, limonin and nomilin, tumor-fighting lycopene, and cancer-fighting ferulic acid. 
Lakewood Organic PURE Pink Grapefruit Juice, 32-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 6)
Half a grapefruit or a glass of 100% grapefruit juice is a healthy addition to breakfast. 

Grapefruit may help to prevent cancer, cold and flu, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Monday, August 2

30. Cantaloupe melon

Cantaloupe melon contains vitamin B, C, beta-carotene, potassium and folate.

It help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels mainly due to their beta-carotene, folate, vitamin C and potassium content. Of all the melons, cantaloupe is the most nutritious, largely because it supplies a high amount of vitamin C and beta-carotene. The combination of vitamin C and beta-carotene supports a strong immune system fit to fight disease. Cantaloupe’s phytochemical team of rutin and glutathione helps to lower the risk of developing cancer and heart disease, as well as fight the signs of aging.

Cantaloupe melon may help to prevent cancer, heart disease and high blood pressure.

29. Blackberry

Black berry has sweet juice that full of vitamin C.

Black berry has vitamin C, manganese, vitamin E, folic acid and potassium.

one cup or handful of blackberries supplies 8 grams of fibre, including cholesterol-lowering pectin. The fibre-rich seeds contain high levels of ellagic acid, a potent antioxidant that battles cancer in many different ways. Blackberries with their high fibre content reduce the risk of developing diabetes and intestinal disease such as diverticulosis, as well as fight against obesity. Blackberries gives protect against all disease.

Select fresh or frozen blackberries. Blackberries can also be enjoyed in fruit or green salads, on your favourite cereal, blended into smoothies or baked in muffins and loaves.

Black berries may help to prevent cancer, diabetes, heart disease, intestinal diseases and obesity

Thursday, July 29

28. Blackcurrant

Blackcurrant is very small from its size but it contain quadruplicate vitamin C as an orange. Blackcurrant is full of vitamin C.

Blackcurrant contains vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, fiber, calcium and riboflavin.

The taste of black currants is very sweet and sharp, and they're used to make blackcurrant jellies, jams, added to desserts or as a part of sauces and dippings. Blackcurrants are commonly used to make cordial, liqueur, ice-cream and they can also be found in juice form

Jarrow Formulas Blackcurrant Juice Concentrate, 12-Fluid OuncesBlack currant has Anti-Inflammatory Action, Powerful Anti-oxidant Action, Maybe help prevent cancer, Reduces the effects of arthritis

27. Kiwi fruit

Kiwi fruit, also called Chinese Goose berry, has more than twice vitamin C that contain orange. There are Vitamin C, B and E, lutein, potassium and fiber.

Low in calories and high in pectin fibres, the kiwifruit supports weight loss, prevents and manages blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of diabetes. Its soluble fibre, pectin, helps to lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure. The team of kiwi’s nutrients including vitamin K, vitamin C, beta-carotene, folate and potassium pack a powerful punch against heart disease and cancer. Kiwis also protect our vision with their phytochemicals lutein and zeaxanthin that reduce the risk for macular degeneration and cataracts. 

This fruit also protect your skin and gives clear skin to you.

To eat kiwi you can cut it in half lengthwise and scoop out the flesh with a spoon. Add slices of kiwi to salads, fruit salads, or enjoy as dessert. 

Kiwi fruit may help prevent cancer, cataracts, common cold and flu, heart disease, high blood pressure, macular degeneration and obesity

Wednesday, July 28

26. Cucumber

Cucumber is very high in water and very low in calories. It contain potassium, vitamin C and A, Magnesium and fiber.

  • Its high content in water makes it diuretic.
  • Cucumber has a cleansing action within the body by removing accumulated pockets of old waste material and chemical toxins.It might help in the treatment of arthritis since it helps eliminate uric acid.
  • Its poor content in calories make it the perfect food for diet.
  • We say that its juice is nourishing for our skin and hair. Its liquid has the reputation of being rejuvenator and makes us feel and look youth. If you want to try, pure or slice a cucumber and apply it on your face.
  • Cucumber may also have the power to relax and alleviate the sunburn's pain.

If your cucumbers are organic and unwaxed, you can eat them unpeeled. Just wash them thoroughly under running water.
Serve them sliced or diced in a salad or by themselves with a vinaigrette, garlic, mint or sesame seeds.
You can add a few slices in a sandwich or you can even juice it along with other vegetables.
You can cook the cucumber like you would do for a squash: steaming, boiling, braising... but you would lose its vitamins and minerals.

Some people do not digest cucumber very well. If you do, prepare the cucumber a few hours before serving. Cut them into small pieces and sprinkle them with sea salt. Let stand for at least an hour in the refrigerator. You can also peel them.

25. Beet root

Beet root is a very popular vegetable and it has lot of nutrients. Beet root can help to prevent cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, inflammation and stroke.

Beet roots also contain betaine, an unusual substance that is found in few foods. This phytochemical is important for detoxifying homocysteine and reducing heart disease risk. Red beets are a great source of salicylic acid, a close relative of aspirin. Salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory properties that may help to lower the risk of heart disease by reducing blood clots and the formation of plaque on artery walls. Beets also supply vitamin C, folate, potassium, magnesium, iron and fiber providing a great team of disease fighters.

By adding beetroot to meals, you can get healthy skin and bright hair.

Beet tops or greens are also delicious and nutritious. They're loaded with disease fighting beta-carotene, fibre, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, potassium, and richer in iron than spinach. 

Beets can be baked, boiled, steamed or shredded raw and added to soups, salads and slaws. Small beet leaves are fabulous raw in salads, while larger leaves are best steamed or wok-fried.

24. Avocado

Avocadoes may help prevent: cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity

Avocadoes contain a phytosterol, beta-sitosterol that lowers cholesterol, inhibits the formation of plaque on artery walls, and inhibits the growth of cancer cells. vocadoes contain an array of powerful phytochemicals, including glutathione, that fight cancer and heart disease. Avocadoes also cut the risk of heart disease with folate and B vitamins lowering homocysteine levels and its minerals helping to lower blood pressure. The healthy fat content of an avocado suppress appetite and eaten in moderation may support weight loss and maintenance. And also avocado contain potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, vitamin E, B vitamins and fiber. 

If you eat avocado as a fruit, it will prevent wrinkle on your skin. You can gain bright and smooth skin.

Avocado Butter - 16 Oz
Instead of butter, margarine and mayo, use avocado on bread, pitas or tortillas shells for a nutritious sandwich spread alternative. Toss slices of avocado into salads. 

To avoid discolouring, sprinkle avocado with a little lemon or lime juice as soon as it is cut.

23. Dried plums (Prunes)

Dried plums contain Vitamin A, Potassium, Vitamin B, iron and fiber.

Dried plums are dried and therefore contain a more compact source of plum’s antioxidants that promote anti-aging and fight disease. Dried plums contain generous amounts of fibre and a natural sugar called sorbitol that soaks up water. fibre and sorbitol work together as an excellent bulking agent to prevent and relieve constipation, as well as intestinal disease.

Dried plums (Prunes) prevent hair falling and give bright and healthy hair.

Dried Plums (Prunes) may help prevent: cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, inflammation, intestinal disease, stroke

Add dried plums to trail mix, your favourite cereal or in baked goods. Dried plums are an excellent choice to replace fat in chocolate baked goods, especially brownies.

22. Lemon

Lemon gives you bright skin.

Lemon contain Vitamin C, limonene, folic acid, fiber and potassium.

Lemons may help prevent: anemia, cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, infection

Their rich vitamin C content boosts the immune system, protects the heart, and combats cancer and infections. In addition, vitamin C increases the absorption of iron in the body preventing against iron deficiency anemia. Their flavonoids limonene, citric acid, and citron fight cancer, while the flavonoid quercetin protects against heart disease.

Lemon juice add fantastic flavour to marinades and salad dressings. Squeeze a lemon wedge over vegetables, greens, seafood, or chicken. Add the juice of a lemon to avoid browning of fruit salad, add juice to smoothies or squeeze lemon into water or tea.

21. Cranberry

Cranberry contains Vitamin C, iron, Elegiac acid and tannin.

Cranberries may help to prevent cancer, dental cavities, heart disease, stroke, ulcers, urinary tract infections.

Mountain Sun Antioxidant Power, Pure Cranberry, Unsweetened, 32-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 3)Cranberries are best known for their ability to ward off urinary tract infections (UTIs). Large molecules called A-linked condensed tannins act as a coating to prevent bacteria from adhering to bladder walls therefore reducing incidence of infection. To help fight heart disease and stroke, the rich red colour of cranberries retards the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, thins the blood and reduces blood clots. This rich pigment may also reduce the risk of developing cancer, particularly breast cancer.

Enjoy these cranberry berries everyday you can. Frozen and dried cranberries add flavour and colour to muffins, loaves and cookies. Drink glass of blended 100% cranberry juice.

Tuesday, July 6

20. Pineapple

Pineapple is very sweet fruit. Enjoy juicy pineapple fresh or added to smoothies. Grilled pineapple and pineapple fruit salsas add sweet flavour to grilled poultry, pork or seafood. Pineapple juice adds flavour to salad dressing, marinades, smoothies and when used with water to cook rice, adds wonderful flavour to stir-fry and pilafs. Don’t forget to add pineapple chunks to pizza, fruit salads and stir-fries.

One cup of pineapple supplies 76 calories, beta-carotene, vitamin C, folate, potassium and magnesium. This team of vitamins and minerals fights against heart disease and cancer and helps to keep blood pressure levels healthy.

Pineapple may help to prevent cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure.

19. Yoghurt

Yogurt is a healthy nutritious dairy food. It contains Vitamin A,B,C, Calcium, Potassium, iron, Sodium and Protein. 

Its rich calcium content supports strong bones, reduces the risk for bone fractures and osteoporosis, as well as appears to lower the risk for colon cancer. One cup of plain yogurt supplies 300-400 milligrams of calcium and a good source of potassium. Yogurt also contains added ‘healthy’ bacteria, referred to as probiotics. Preliminary research indicates that consuming these ‘healthy’ acidophilus and lactobacillus bacteria may help relieve diarrhea, inhibit certain enzymes that promote cancer growth in the colon, help prevent certain allergies and help increase resistance to immune-related diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease. Probiotics also promote the re-growth of healthy gut bacteria after prolonged use of antibiotics. 

Choose plain yogurt more often and sweeten with fresh or dried fruit. Enjoy low fat yogurt as a snack; paired with dried, fresh or frozen fruit, cereal, or nuts; drizzled over rice dishes and fruit salads; in salad dressings, dips and marinades; or blended in smoothies. Substitute yogurt for higher fat ingredients such as sour cream, mayonnaise and whipping cream in recipes.

18. Tomato

Tomato is a vegetable and also it is a fruit. Tomato contains Carbohydrates, Sugars, Dietary fiber, Fat, Protein, Water, Vitamin C, Vitamin B, E, Beta-carotene, iron and potassium.

Tomato may help to prevent cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke.

Cucina Antica Tomato Basil Sauce, 32-Ounce Jars (Pack of 6)Include a rich red tomato or tomato product at least twice a week but daily provides the best protection against disease. To load up on lycopene, choose vine-ripened tomatoes more often and tomatoes with deep rich red colour. Cooked tomato products, such as tomato sauce, canned tomatoes, catsup or tomato juice, offer more lycopene, as cooking increases its bioavailability. Adding a little fat to your tomato and tomato products increases the absorption of lycopene because it dissolves in fat. Add tomatoes to salads, enjoy a glass of tomato juice, top pizza, pasta and legumes with vegetable laden tomato sauce or add tomatoes to stir-fries, casseroles, stews and soups.

The brilliant red tomato credits its powerful disease protection to its scarlet pigment called lycopene. Although the tomato is well known for its ability to fight prostate cancer, strong evidence indicates that lycopene protects against lung and stomach cancers and preliminary research shows protection against pancreatic, colourectal, esophageal, oral, breast and cervical cancers. This potent antioxidant protects against many cancers by acting as a free radical scavenger throughout the body. Lycopene also protects the heart against oxidative damage, therefore reducing risk of heart attacks. In addition, lycopene may help to preserve vision and reduce glaucoma and presbyopia, two eye diseases that develop as we age.

Gourmet PastaCheese, Fresh Tomato Basil Mozzarella Ravioli 24 (Medium Square)2/14ozThe 3 Amigos, zera-carotene, phytoene, and phytofluene, are an antioxidant team that is found together in many fruits and veggies, including tomatoes. Although there is little research done on the 3 Amigos, scientists believe that this antioxidant team has strong disease fighting potential. And if that isn’t enough, phenolic acids found in tomatoes have the potential to fight lung cancer with its ability to inhibit the formation of nitrosamines in the body.

Sunday, July 4

17. Celery

Celery contains Energy, Carbohydrates, Sugars, Dietary fibre, Fat, Protein, Water and Vitamin C.
 Celery may help to prevent cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, stroke

Recent research indicates that regular consumption of celery may lower blood pressure, cutting the risk of heart disease. The low sodium content of celery adds flavour and replaces the need to use sodium in recipes. In addition, the potassium and calcium content of celery aids in lowering blood pressure. Celery contains a phytochemical called furanocoumarin that may reduce the rate of blood clotting, lowering risk for high blood pressure, heart attacks and stroke. Beta-carotene and folate team up to lower the risk of developing heart disease. This team of nutrients may also work together to fight cancer. With just 6 calories per stalk, celery adds flavour to meals and crunch to snacks while keeping waistlines healthy and supporting weight loss. 

Enjoy celery sticks as a snack, dipped in low fat dip or filled with nut butter. Add sliced celery to salad, sauces, stir-fry, casseroles, stews and soups.

Chew few celery leaves. 
You can burn more calorie in your body, 

16. Orange

Just like the apple, ‘an orange a day may keep the doctor away’. 

Orange contains Vitamin C, Folate, Vitamin B, Potassium, Limonin, Carotonoids and fiber.   Best known for its vitamin C content, oranges boost the immune system, prevent the common cold and flu, and help the body absorb iron from food. 

Lakewood Organic Pure Orange JuiceThe team of hesperetin, limonoids, limonin, nomilin, and beta-cryptoxanthin join together to effectively combat cancer. Found in the peel of an orange, d-limonene, a strong antioxidant disarms a range of carcinogens and appears to lower ‘lousy’ LDL cholesterol. The best sources of these cancer fighting phytochemicals is found in the juice and especially in the zest of an orange. The heart is protected by the orange-yellow carotenoid beta-cryptoxanthin. 

Orange May help prevent cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and infection. Enjoy a glass of pulpy orange juice with a meal or blended in smoothies everyday.

Thursday, July 1

15. Papaya

Papaya is very sweet fruit and it contains many nutrients such as Vitamin C, Folic acid, beta-carotene, potassium, fiber, etc.

The papaya is low in calories, fat-free and a source of fibre. Papayas deliver a large dose of heart healthy and cancer-fighting beta-carotene. Papayas are one of the few foods that contain lycopene a powerful antioxidant that preserves vision and protects against heart disease and numerous cancers. Its vitamin C content supports a strong immune system, protects the heart and combats cancer. Papaya supplies calcium, phosphorous and magnesium to support strong bones and help to prevent osteoporosis. Potassium completes this disease-fighting team by keeping blood pressure levels healthy. For ages, papayas have been associated with assisting digestion, lowering risk of stomach ulcers, combating diarrhea and constipation.

This mild flavourful fruit is delectable in smoothies, fruit salsas, chutney, and salads. Lightly grill papaya slices and serve with grilled poultry, fish or meat. Papaya contains the enzyme papain, which is an excellent meat tenderizer. Papaya seeds can be dried and ground like peppercorns. Their peppery flavour makes them a good substitute for pepper.

Monday, June 28

14. Honey

Honey is a mixture of sugars and other compounds. Honey contains Vitamin B, Magnesium, Sodium, Calcium, Manganese, Sink, iron, Phosphorus and Potassium.

The main uses of honey are in cooking, baking, as a spread on breads, and as an addition to various beverages such as tea and as a sweetener in some commercial beverages.
Miller's Honey, Wild, 3-Pound Jar (Pack of 2)
Honey has also been used for centuries as a treatment for sore throats and coughs, and according to recent research may in fact be as effective as many common cough medicines.Honey is a great natural anti aging skin care food. Honey is a great natural source of carbohydrates which provide strength and energy to our bodies. Honey’s antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties can help improve digestive system and help you stay healthy and fight disease.