Cranberry contains Vitamin C, iron, Elegiac acid and tannin.
Cranberries may help to prevent cancer, dental cavities, heart disease, stroke, ulcers, urinary tract infections.
Cranberries are best known for their ability to ward off urinary tract infections (UTIs). Large molecules called A-linked condensed tannins act as a coating to prevent bacteria from adhering to bladder walls therefore reducing incidence of infection. To help fight heart disease and stroke, the rich red colour of cranberries retards the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, thins the blood and reduces blood clots. This rich pigment may also reduce the risk of developing cancer, particularly breast cancer.
Enjoy these cranberry berries everyday you can. Frozen and dried cranberries add flavour and colour to muffins, loaves and cookies. Drink glass of blended 100% cranberry juice.
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