Thursday, July 1

15. Papaya

Papaya is very sweet fruit and it contains many nutrients such as Vitamin C, Folic acid, beta-carotene, potassium, fiber, etc.

The papaya is low in calories, fat-free and a source of fibre. Papayas deliver a large dose of heart healthy and cancer-fighting beta-carotene. Papayas are one of the few foods that contain lycopene a powerful antioxidant that preserves vision and protects against heart disease and numerous cancers. Its vitamin C content supports a strong immune system, protects the heart and combats cancer. Papaya supplies calcium, phosphorous and magnesium to support strong bones and help to prevent osteoporosis. Potassium completes this disease-fighting team by keeping blood pressure levels healthy. For ages, papayas have been associated with assisting digestion, lowering risk of stomach ulcers, combating diarrhea and constipation.

This mild flavourful fruit is delectable in smoothies, fruit salsas, chutney, and salads. Lightly grill papaya slices and serve with grilled poultry, fish or meat. Papaya contains the enzyme papain, which is an excellent meat tenderizer. Papaya seeds can be dried and ground like peppercorns. Their peppery flavour makes them a good substitute for pepper.

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