Tuesday, June 15

06. Garlic

Garlic destroy many germs and it use to taste the foods. Garlic contains Calcium, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and more nutrients. 

Garlic contains organosulfur compounds, which provide anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Organosulfur compounds also have the ability to cut heart disease risk by slowing cholesterol synthesis, lowering blood pressure, reducing atherosclerosis, and reducing platelet aggregation. These sulfur compounds also fight cancer by killing cancer cells and slowing their division. Research shows that eating garlic with selenium-rich foods, such as whole grains and fish, increases garlic’s disease fighting potency. Selenium and garlic also work together to combat cancer and tumor growth. 

Enjoy the flavour of garlic by adding crushed or sliced garlic to sauces, casseroles, stews, soups and stir-fries. Garlic complements the flavour of steamed and lightly sautéed vegetables. Baked garlic is a wonderful appetizer served with whole grain crackers, salsas and low fat cheese.

Garlic help to prevent high blood pressure, cancer, cold and flu, infection,stroke, heart disease. 

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